How to grow a successful blog even if you have anxiety and depression

I’m so thankful for the interview I did with Rachel from PlanningMindfully!

She grew her blog to $2,000+ per month in a very short time. She has also overcome tons of obstacles and keeps growing!

If you feel like you’re struggling with your blog, this interview is for you!

More Interviews:

Please leave your questions in the comments below for Rachel!

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  • I really liked this interview. I have actually run a very successful moms website before that I sold. Now I am kinda doing something different with my life. I found her advice spot on, especially the writing one post a week. When I was growing my moms site we only added about 4 articles and focused on the quality.
    I have bipolar disorder and anxiety so I definitely relate with the challenges. Great interview thank you for sharing this

  • Rachel thank you so much for sharing! It is very inspiring to hear how others are blogging and monetizing their blogs! I am still figuring out the monetizing part.

  • Any chance you can do a transcript? This has some audio issues and I have a hard time understanding some of what is said

  • Susie thanks so much for this interview with a successful blogger who struggles with mental health issues. Such a blessing to myself.