14+ Small Digital Product Ideas to Make and Sell Today
How many times have you had a thought about a how to make a digital product but are suddenly paused in your process because of just how long it’s going to take? We’ve been there, we totally get it. The mentality that great ideas have to take forever just isn’t the case. In fact, we’re going to talk about 14+ digital product ideas that you can literally make and sell today.
That’s right. No waiting, No huge extensive business plan. No months and months of planning for a launch date that may or may not stay on track. These product ideas are ones that you can sit down at your computer, create, upload, and start earning revenue from immediately. Why wait when you have the ability to create an amazing money-making digital product today?
And if you’re wanting even more knowledge than what is covered here, we’ve just launched the Little Product Launch Kit that dives into this topic more and will give you a greater understanding of just how simple it is to make a digital product and sell it successfully.
Are you ready to start earning money within just a couple of short hours? Let’s dive into our top 14 digital products that you can easily make and start selling now.
At the end of the post I’ll also share which programs you can use to sell these digital products today.
In the video below we dive into the 14 small digital products you can create today. Be sure to watch it and read the post to get all the gold nuggets!
How to Make Digital Products that Sell
Keep in mind that these are not only easy to do with little training but they can result in big sales quickly within a very short timeframe. And once you make these digital products, you’ll find out just how truly addictive and fun that passive income can be.

Digital Product Idea #1: Stock Images/Graphics
Taking pictures is a lot of fun but making money with them is even better. No matter if you have a DSLR or a cell phone, both are capable of taking great pictures now with minimal effort on your part.
You’ll often find that professional photographers use expensive cameras to create photos but you can get beautiful pictures with just your cell phone too!
And once you have awesome pictures on your phone or camera, you’re almost ready to try and sell them online. You can use Canva or PicMonkey online to edit your photos and then you can sell them on third party platforms on through your own website.
There are a lot of online stock photo companies that will pay money for beautiful and niche stock images. These files are a quick digital download for your customers that they can use on social media or to market their own business.
Bundle the Images for Higher Profits
Grouping your images together in packs of 10 or 20 will yield you higher payments but it’s ultimately up to you on how you want to package and sell. The more pictures that you have edited and saved, the more money you’re going to be able to make.
And if you’re worried that you don’t have an audience for photos, don’t forget that graphics are another great option. This can include creating stickers and icons. These are things that homeschooling moms and teachers LOVE to buy. Because this means that they can pay one price for a graphic and use it over and over again on their own printables and in their classroom as well. Win Win!

Digital Product Idea #2: Live Virtual Workshop
If you have great knowledge about a particular topic, and you reach the right audience, they’ll be asking you question after question. Instead of sitting down and spending months creating a course that may or may not be a success, consider creating a live virtual workshop that you can sell tickets for people to be able to attend. In Course by Number, we teach both an evergreen model of creating your online course, and how to launch a live virtual workshop too!
They’ll feel as though they’re able to sit down with you when you’re going live in your workshop. And you’re committed to teaching them live to help them achieve a result in a short amount of time.
Time Saving Tip: To jumpstart a live workshop, you really just need a minimal outline to get started. And don’t be afraid to use your live as a way to gauge your audience as well. If you’re not selling tickets to your workshop, then you know that the interest may not be there. And you’re not going to want to waste any time on that topic or branch off and spend months trying to create a course.
The other aspect of having a live workshop is that you don’t have to stress about being a perfect teacher. Your audience will relate to the realness that you bring and they’ll appreciate that you’re being authentic with them.
Validate a Bigger Business Idea
Creating and putting on a live workshop is a fantastic information product that can validate a bigger business idea. These workshops can then bring ideas for a physical product that you can sell on an ecommerce platform or in an online store.
As long as you’re engaging and providing great value, they’re going to continue to want more. And when they show that they want more, you can then take that into consideration about creating and selling a course that will then go into more depth as well.
This is one digital product that has extremely low risk but can result in very high rewards.

Digital Product Idea #3: 30-day challenge
Calling all procrastinators! Welcome to our world, because we’re right there with you. Instead of casting a negative light on the fact that you might wait to do things, why not use it to your advantage and create a 30-day challenge for your audience?
You can easily create a Facebook group with limited invites and access where you announce that you’re going to teach a workshop about whatever topic would help your audience. The great part is that you get to spread it out over 30 days. This means that you get to be with your students for the duration of the month and teach them something new every single day.
This also gives you the flexibility to go live every so often but doesn’t require you to do so daily. You can also offer a free guide or printable along the way as well to keep them engaged and interested and wanting more.
If you’re a blogger and want to grow your email list and income, challenges work really well! You can include a bonus such as digital planners that accompanies the challenge and keeps your students accountable.
If you find that your 30-day challenge was a success, you’ll be able to assess if there is room to launch a product or an ebook or course based off of the challenge.
Super Easy to Get Testimonials
Since you’re engaging with your audience daily, it’s very easy to get testimonials. They’re very powerful for adding to your marketing stack to improve future sales. Make certain that you’re getting feedback and testimonials during the challenge so that you can really assess the wants and needs of your audience. A 30-day challenge is perfect for this because as the challenge progresses, your audience will trust and like you more and more.
A 30-day challenge is actually REALLY great for procrastinators because it will hold you accountable to show up every day as well. Just remember to be generous with your time, offer a good money-back guarantee, and be open and willing to help your students when they have questions or needs.

Digital Product Idea #4: Create a Tool or Spreadsheet that helps someone
Does anyone else geek out over a good online tool or spreadsheet or is that just us? We’re all about saving time and saving brain cells by having a simple tool or application that does all the hard work for us. These types of tools can turn into highly profitable digital products that you can sell over and over. It’s definitely a digital product that you can create fast if you have all the information.
This is especially true when it comes to tracking and monitoring numbers for things like dieting, recipes, counting macros, organizational skills, etc.
Take a peek at all the apps that you have on your phone – there lies the proof! Apps are created for one thing and that is to help your life be easier, more organized, and more efficient. Why not use that same thought process and create a digital product that you can easily make some money on?
Help Your Customers Stay Organized and in Control
In the world that we live in today, pretty much everyone has Google and uses it on a daily basis. If you can create a spreadsheet, pretty it up by adding in a logo or graphic, create a video showing them how to use the spreadsheet, and then sell that spreadsheet, you’ve just created a product that will make you money over and over again.
This also means that you’ve created a tool that is not only going to help them track their macros, track their calories, or easily organize the family schedule all in one spot, but you’ve also created it in a way that it’s super simple to update as well.
And if they love this product and trust it, you might have just created a customer and a fanbase for life. And they’ll be there for any other online products that you’re going to create in the future as well.

Digital Product Idea #5: Done for you templates
Doesn’t everyone want something simple and easy that is pretty much already done for them? This is where done for you templates totally rock. In a nutshell, you’re basically creating templates, or swipe files, that your audience can customize and use over and over again – resulting in happy customers and recurring revenue.
Some examples of template creation could be image templates, printable templates, email templates, website templates, logo templates, and even homeschooling templates as well.
Why Digital Templates Work so Well
Because the reason that these items sell so easily is that people LOVE being able to buy in once and use it multiple times. Homeschooling moms are a huge audience for this, especially if they have multiple kids.
After they pay for it once, they can alter it and print it out for every other kid throughout the years. To them, this is a more affordable solution and is one that provides them convenience as well.

Digital Product Idea #6: Mind mapping
Mind Mapping is really a lot of fun. It’s something that uses both sides of the brain and can create a usable map for a complex topic.
And if you’ve ever seen a mind map, you know that it looks pretty but it’s also a fast way to give people value and understand a process much quicker than having to sit down and write out the same information into a long and lengthy ebook.
Think of it as the cliff notes for a course and it’s something that you can easily sell for a few dollars, or more, depending on how in-depth it truly is.
Pro Tip! Use your mind map as a printable framework that you can sell and get feedback from before you take it further and create an ebook.
Mind maps are awesome because people are visually drawn to them and they look really cool. We’re big fans of mind maps because they’re a great way to give someone the roadmap for success full of information in a quick and concise manner.

Digital Product Idea #7: Printable packs
Printable packs are pretty much just like they sound…a pack of printables and they’re typically something that your reader wants to print out and use immediately – digital goods that quickly turn into physical goods to be consumed.
This could include a planner , activity sheets, coloring pages , or a wide plethora of pages for your kids to use or learn from as well.
This is another digital product that homeschooling moms love because they can buy it once and print it out again and again. Reusing to them is wonderful and saves so much money especially with multiple children.
Making a printable pack for fun games or crafts is also a great idea. And don’t forget about all the possibilities for the upcoming holidays as well, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s leave open so many creative avenues! I like using programs such as Creative Market and Creative Fabrica for graphics.
Creating a digital product like a printable pack can work for almost every niche. Moms love planners and home organizers, homeschooling moms love curriculums for their children, kids love coloring books and crafts, even your professional niche would benefit from business planning printables.
Ultimately, you need to think about printables to create that will work well for your audience. If you want to learn how to create pretty printables, this course is for you!
Part II: Small Digital Product Ideas
Since the first video and post about digital products was so popular, I added to the list and created another video for you!
Here is our latest video talking about the products that we’re going to discuss in more detail below.
7 More Digital Products You Can Create Today and Sell Online
The reason that our list keeps growing is that the demand for digital products is growing as well. When people want a product, you have to listen to their needs and create a product that will solve a problem for them.
Ensure that you make it a price point that is obtainable and then deliver that product to them knowing that it will help them solve a problem.
All of these digital products listed below are easy and fast to make and are a great way to expand your current digital products empire.
Digital Product Idea #8: Ebooks
Don’t overlook the power of ebooks! They’re still super popular and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. I know that there isn’t anything really “sexy” about creating and selling ebooks. But if you create an ebook that is actionable and it’s filled with great information and not just fluff, this is a valuable digital product that people will buy.
The other thing to keep in mind with ebooks is that you don’t want to price them too high. Most businesses use ebooks as a lead magnet product or a self liquidating offer, meaning that they don’t make a huge profit with this product, but they get customers for almost free.
Just get your feet wet and price it so that people won’t hesitate to buy. I’ve seen ebooks that have had 50,000 words and I’ve also seen ebooks with only 10, 000 words. The length isn’t going to matter as much as what is actually in it.
How to Add Value to an Ebook
Make certain that you include charts and graphs if applicable and helpful tutorials and information as well. You can even sneak in a few printables that they can do, too.
The reason that ebooks sell is that it’s a collection of helpful resources that are bundled up nicely in one place. Be certain that whatever type of ebook you’re writing, you’re not filling the pages with fluff.
Cut out the stuff that doesn’t provide value and get down to the nitty-gritty. Give your customers the information that they paid for so that they can get a solution for what they’re seeking.
Your customers will be more thankful that you’ve helped them solve a problem quickly than filled the book with nonessential information just to beef it up.
Digital Product Idea #9: Audiobooks
Creating an audiobook is great for people who like to speak rather than type. An audiobook means that you don’t have to have a hard copy of the book at all, which can be a huge timesaver.
With an audiobook, you can literally just start speaking and get it recorded. Then, if you want it to be in a book form or written down, you can easily have it transcribed out and converted into an ebook to sell. Or you can use amazing software like Descript to do the transcribing for you!
Audiobooks are great for writer’s block because you can just say words and edit them at a later point in time. It can be easier to make an audiobook because you’re able to quickly spout off the thoughts and words that are in your mind.
For busy customers, audiobooks are gold and purchased often. Audiobooks can be saved and listen to during long commutes, workouts or epic road trips.
Having an audio format digital product for sale could be huge in terms of income potential. It’s one of the easiest and fastest digital products to make.

Digital Product Idea #10: Mini-Courses
Mini-courses are always a great idea. People are WAY more likely to buy a mini-course than spend thousands of dollars on a huge course. Mini-courses are also quick and easy to put together as well.
All you need for a mini video course are 5-10 lectures or 5-10 videos on the topic that you’re talking about and selling. Keep them short and sweet.
Not only can you cram a ton of great info into your mini-course but they’re also a great way to warm up your audience as well. They’ll spend a little bit of money on you to see how you teach. And if it’s valuable, they’ll be right back to buy your next mini-course. (or even a bigger course from you, too!)
The purpose of a mini-course is that:
- It tackles a small problem and helps offer a quick solution.
- This helps them to focus on one thing that they’re needing help with.
- And also helps them from feeling overwhelmed in the process.
Mini-courses can be anything from “how to grow herbs at home” to “simple steps to declutter your car” or “how to make your own shampoo at home”.
Think about a small topic that you can help your audience with and use that as a chance to get a small win. Keep in mind that you can always build on mini-courses with companion products like printables or even other mini-courses that build off one another as well.
A mini video course can be a great $5-$20 product that you can really make quite an impact with.
Mini Courses are Great at Building Your Brand
Selling a small mini course with a few videos that overdeliver and delight your customers is a great way to build your brand. They’ll see you on video, hear your beautiful voice and feel a stronger connection to you than with other types of digital products like an ebook or printable. The video aspect of a mini course is a very strong brand builder.
Also, pay attention to WHY people are signing up for your mini-course and what kind of questions that they’re asking. This can easily prompt you to create products and courses based on those needs and questions, too.
If you’re ready to create your first online course, checkout Course by Number.
Digital Product Idea #11: Tables and Spreadsheets
People love to be organized but don’t always know how to set up that organization on their own. Creating a table or spreadsheet that you can then sell to them will honestly be priceless for so many people.
Think about your niche and then try and think of a handy graphic or table that you can create. This will easily help you know exactly what to build so that it can be an immediate resource to your audience.
RV Example of Digital Product to Sell
For example, when we were RV shopping, I would have paid good money for an all in one spreadsheet that did an overview of all the types of motorhomes. Instead, I had to spend weeks looking through brochures and pamphlets.
Creative entrepreneurs will build multiple income streams and incorporate a few together. You can create a spreadsheet and add affiliate links (if allowed by the company) in it, you could also add more digital assets such as printables, a video course with more content to sell on a membership site. The more digital products you can bundle together, the more valuable your product becomes.
I’ve seen digital products like spreadsheets sell for up to $47 or more!
Digital Product Idea #12: Art Patterns
Are you full of creative ideas or do you know how to knit or crochet or sew? These are all hobbies that people are willing to pay to learn how to do.
Selling patterns that people can use to create their own crafts or projects is a HUGE market that could really be quite successful. Don’t forget about just how varied you can make your sewing patterns, your cricket patterns, and even the crochet patterns as well. There are literally endless patterns that you can create and sell to others.
Use a Freebie to Lead to Your Digital Product
It’s always a good idea to offer some sort of freebie, in the beginning, to catch their attention when it comes to art patterns. Once your target audience see your skill set, they’ll be warmed up to your digital products. You could even add affiliate marketing and recommend a fantastic product that works well with your art patterns. Art supplies have good affiliate programs for products that you can recommend to your potential customers.
The more that you create, the bigger your product base can get, too. You can easily create a small bundle and sell it as well that includes several different patterns for holidays or even fun homemade gift ideas as well.
Digital Product Idea #13: Workout Plans
Everyone wants to get fit and lose weight but the majority of people give up fast because they don’t know where to start. Workout plans are in high demand because people are willing to do the work as long as they’re told what they need to be doing. They are very a very popular digital product that you can sell along with a workbook.
Niche Down to a Specific Workout or Diet
General workout plans are great but if you can find a workout to highlight and specialize in, you can create a powerhouse-packed workout that people will flock to buy. For example this 75 Hard Printable that’s very specific to one type of lifestyle plan.
If you know about meal planning and eating healthy, there is room for those types of digital products, too. Think about products like a seven-day eating and fasting workout, high protein meal plans, workouts focused on specific body parts, etc.
This is also a great way to offer a freebie, such as a simple workout plan, that you can then follow up with and offer a more competitive workout plan for a charge. This would be an example of a premium product that provides value that people are needing.

Digital Product Idea #14: Products and Tools
We talked about the tables above but this type of digital product is more along the lines of a calculator or budget calculator. You can create this using Excel or Google Sheets and charge a small fee for people to use this tool as well.
If people find value in the product, they’ll want to pay to use it because it will save them time and stress.
The great thing about a tool is that it doesn’t have to be a year long coded app. Just something simple that can help people solve a problem or make their life easier.
Examples of Digital Product that are Tools
- Calculator for planning your mortgage payments
- Budget calculator and planner
- Online product launch calendar that auto populates based on inputs
- Business expenses and profit calculator
It’s a huge time saver to have difficult calculations done for you, so you can focus on growing your business or improving your life with confidence you’re going in the right direction.
It’s important to remember that for a product to be successful, you need to strip away any fluff. People are paying for the product and nothing more.
Just include the directions on how to use it and a few actionable tips and that is all you’d have to do to create and launch. An instructional video could be a great bonus!
Digital Product Idea #15: Children’s Books
Bonus! Here’s another idea for a small digital product you can create today, especially if you use the right tools. You could write and illustrate a children’s book and list it on Amazon today. There’s an amazing tool called Jasper – it’s an artificial intelligence tool that writes content for you AND creates images from scratch!
Jasper is pretty amazing and it provides hundreds of ways you can grow your business – including writing and creating sweet children’s books online. If you want to find out how to do this in an hour, check out the Children’s Book Workshop here!
Other Digital Product Ideas to sell on your blog, membership site or online shop:
- Lightroom Presets
- Landing Page Templates
- Webinar Scripts
- Canva Templates
- WordPress Themes
- Email Copy Templates
- Graphic Design Tutorials
- Homeschool Curriculum
- Calendars
- Planners
- Recipe books
And so many more!
Final Thoughts Regarding Digital Products You Can Create and Sell Today
And there you have it…There are the 14+ digital products that we know you can easily create with a short amount of time to start earning money now. We have all the faith in the world in you that you can easily do any, or all, of these online digital products. You don’t have to be brilliant to be an entrepreneur, you just have to be consistent and a little confident.
Now that you have an idea of what to sell, get the Little Product Launchkit below, and then get a program that allows you to sell digital products online easily.
What if you don’t know the steps to launch?
Don’t worry, we have you covered! This is exactly why we’ve created The Little Product Launch Kit. It was created to give you the blueprint for success and show you exactly what we’ve done to get where we are today. The Little Product Launchkit will give you tons of digital product ideas you can start selling right now!

For $27, you can get The Little Product Launch Kit jam-packed full of 100 smart steps that include;
- blog post templates
- how to create an email sequence
- sales techniques that aren’t “pushy”
- sales page template
You can use these techniques to grow your confidence in selling digital products or use it to treat your current online freebies like a product, too!
The kit comes with products that will help you know how to start your very own:
- ebook
- printable mockups
- templates
Seriously, check it out. We’ve made it super simple and super quick for you to use and it creates a TON of templates that you can use right now to launch your product.
Literally this very afternoon you can have a digital product out in the world, ready to sell.
There is truly so much beauty in digital products and we can’t wait to hear all about how they’ve changed your life. Make certain to tell us your success stories so that we can all support and cheer for each other along the way!
Awesome 👏🏼 content !!! 😊 Thank you 🙏🏼 !
My question is about the delivery. How do people pay you for the product? How do they receive the product? How do you price it? What about sales tax? I’m very interested in your Little Launch product. I have an established website and blog and niche but I’m not sure how to deliver the digital products. Thank you.
Completely agree. All these questions are the main reason why I haven’t pulled the trigger and bought into the product. Thanks for asking them!
You can use applications like Sendowl which handles the checkout process for your customers. Sendowl also integrates with many well known email marketing softwares, so once someone pays for your products, you can directly contact them to check if they got it alright. You can price your product as you want, make sure to do a bit of market research before that (how much other people in the industry are charging). There are also free plugins like Easy Digital Downloads but plugins requires updates, so it’s better to use standalone applications. I’m not an expert, hope this helps.