The Top 33 Parenting Blogs

Parenting blogs are amazing resources for seeking parental help, finding encouragement, sharing parenting experiences and continuing education. This post seeks to provide a diverse collection of websites dedicated to helping you parent and provide a community so that you know you’re not alone.

Parenting Blogs for Moms

It’s no secret, I love mom blogs and encourage mothers to read and write them! A few that stand out are:

Alpha Mom

Founded and operated by Isabella Kallman, Alpha Mom grew into a non-judgemental support and advice network of mom and parenting professionals helping ladies embrace their motherhood.

Working Mother

This parenting website brought to you by Working Mother magazine is a fantastic place for working mothers who are At Work, At Home, or Off Duty. Visit the video library for motherhood tips, advice, and humor.

Baby Boy Bakery

Jacqui and Dan’s story is a devastating but remarkable journey of triumph in the face of tragedy. Originally a place for Jacqui to document and share every last detail of their son Ryan’s journey, it has since grown into something else. Unfortunately, they lost their son and rather than abandoning this project, she’s built it up with the promise of keeping his memory alive. Baby Boy Bakery shares Family, Recipes, Travel, and Fitness.

Parenting Blogs for Dads

Good news for dads seeking to relate with other fathers, parenting blogs for dads exists just for you. My husband frequents a few and opted to share these three treasures for dads in the mix.

Life of Dad

A collaboration of four fathers, Life of Dad offers value to all dads by providing communities including expectant, new, single, and geek dads. Geek dads appeal to my hubby as he can relate and I love him for it! Featuring two podcasts by dads for dads: Life of Dad and Art of Conversation, which is a magnificent show that focuses on dad writers. Are you ready to join a network of father’s sharing stories, hardships, and parenting advice? Stop procrastinating and let me help you start your dad blog today.

The Dad Website

Guys and gals, this might be my favorite dad site. Honest, humorous, and full of fantastic advice for dads on every step of their journey into and through fatherhood. Be sure to read Ferg, Lewy and Phil’s bios for a tremendous bout of laughter.

Dad or Alive

Adrian at Dad or Alive shares a very impressive story about his journey from working with Adam Sandler to becoming an unexpected stay-at-home dad. Additionally, gain wisdom regarding all ages and stages, discipline, and other parenting lifestyle tips.

Top Parenting Blogs

Some of the best websites that aren’t geared towards gender and that make the top parenting blogs list include:


Bundoo is a unique parenting website because it operated by doctors. As a result, there is an entire page dedicated to health ranging from colds to special needs. Be directly connected with doctors regarding your pregnancy and baby and ask the questions you need answers to for peace of mind mama and papa.


Courtesy of Disney, Babble is a top parenting blog for entertainment, news, reviews, with pregnancy and parenting advice and resources. And of course, it updates you on the latest with Disney.

Teach Mama

Amy at Teach Mama is a former high school English teacher who shares her best tips, tools, and resources for parents to use to become the best teachers they can for their own children.

Funny Parenting Blogs

Let’s face it, parenting is filled with trials, triumphs, and hilarious anecdotes. Sometimes you need a good laugh to let you know you’re not alone! Check out these hilarious parenting websites dominating the internet.

Scary Mommy

Brought together by the reality that,

parenting doesn’t have to be perfect.

Millions of parents come together to form this amazing community of support. Overcoming the challenges while celebrating the joys of parenthood. The writing is fun, fresh, and often, hilarious. Scary Mommy is a leading parenting website for news. Furthermore, they tackle social issues in the world today.

My Life Suckers

Deva was a senior editor for Nickelodeon’s parenting website for six years before creating My Life Suckers. Perhaps, best known for her video parodies. Including her famous Let it Go parody that went viral on the internet. I’m pretty sure it was in my Facebook feed for a solid three months and it is adorably funny.

The Funny Mom Blog

The name does more than speak for itself! Desiree English shares genuinely hilarious stories. Also, sharing helpful reviews on parenthood products and delicious recipes. For example, these Bacon, Egg, Jalapeno Country Potatoes are a welcomed addition to my Whole 30 diet! However, I substituted a fresh Jalapeno in lieu of the pickled recommendation to ensure no sugar or processed additives for the win.

Single Parenting Blogs

I can’t think of any jobs more difficult than parenting. Therefore single parenting is a challenge I’m awed and amazed by and wanted to share some of the best single mom blogs for those needing help or seeking inspiration.

Life of a Single Mom

Life of a single mom is a global network dedicated to ensuring that no single mom walks on their motherhood journey alone. Additionally, they educate church and community leaders about the challenges that single mothers face. Finally, they provide programs to accommodate success with parenting and finances. As well as health and wellness resources.

The Single Mom Journey

L.C. shares her peaks, valleys, twists, and turns in parenthood as a 40-something single mother of two over at the Single Mom Journey. Similarly, she provides a safe space for single mothers to share their struggles without judgment. Also, L.C. is a follower of Christ and shares faith and inspiration for her followers.

Step Parenting Blogs

Are you a stepparent struggling in your new role or simply seeking like-minded individuals? Look no further and enjoy these step parenting blogs below.

Stepmom Help

Jenna Korf is a certified stepfamily coach who provides online courses, coaching, and access to a private community of online support for stepmoms she founded known as The Stepmom Revolution. A wonderful network where she provides daily coaching.

Jamie Scrimgeour

Jamie offers next level support, friendship, and a private online community of stepmother’s seeking to live a kickass life. Her website features a terrific blog, her podcast, online support, and an eBook she’s published, 101 Ways to be a Kickass Stepmom.

Step Momming

I love this story and this blog so much. Originally, a blog that was written by mother and stepmother sharing co-parenting experiences and advice. However, it’s since morphed into a safe haven for stepmoms. In fact, their mission states:

We provide comfort and guidance to overwhelmed stepmoms by giving them the tools and inspiration they need to overcome insecurities and discontentment.

We show them that stepmomming is what they do and not who they are, encouraging them to embrace their unique roles and truly love their lives.

Foster Parenting Blogs

Foster parenting and adoption are two very different parental journies and it’s for that reason that I’ve included resources highlighting these amazing foster parenting blogs offering support and fellowship to other fosters and adopting parents.

Creating a Family

Creating a Family is the– national infertility, adoption, & foster care education and support nonprofit. Offering a diverse and extensive collection of resources for parents looking to foster kids or seeking to adopt.

Foster the Family

Foster the Family is one mom’s teachings and reflections on foster care. Also, highlighting gospel-centered parenting and being a mission-focused family. Additionally, the Real Moms Podcast offers real-life insight from real life biological, adoptive, and foster moms.

Rage Against the Minivan

Kristen is a mother of four in four years, natural and adopted. Furthermore, she is a marriage and family therapist. Her parenting website is a great place for creative ideas for kids, crafting, and scrapbooking help. Also, she blogs about racial biases and relations.

Pregnancy and Baby Parenting Blogs

Pregnancy and babies! Oh, I just love reminiscing on when my little ones were even littler and it makes me miss those precious moments so much. Although, I can honestly say I don’t miss the cracked nipples and postpartum hair loss. Check out these valuable parenting websites to help you understand, overcome, and survive the beginning stages of motherhood.

What to Expect

From the author of, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Heidi Murkoff blogs about just that! Visit her website for tips on what to expect regarding inception, pregnancy, the first year, toddler years, and even family expectations.

Mom Tricks

Mom Tricks is one of the best parenting websites for pregnancy and babies safety, tips, and newborn care. Find help with breastfeeding, bottle feeding, diapering, development, and more. Pregnancy and the first year can be extremely overwhelming for new parents and this site is perfect at relieving some of that stress with valuable mom tricks.

Pregnant Chicken

Amy and her, herd from the burd, write about pregnancies three trimesters, birth, parenthood, and more. Amy’s about me page is hands down one of the funniest lists of random details about a person that I’ve encountered and I wish I was clever enough to formulate my own! Her list makes me want to be her friend and demands a follow. Some highlights include:

I can guarantee everything I post on this site will have an error in it even though I read it 50 times.

Behind every picture, in my house, there are about four holes where I have previously hung it only to decide it was too high/low/dumb.

I am flabbergasted when I don’t win the lottery. I’m not sure if that’s optimism or stupidity, or both.

Teen Parenting Blogs

Parenting teenagers is a different ballgame. And though I’ve not played it yet, I recognize it comes with a different set of rules. Check out these parenting websites that focus on teenage parenting tips and topics.

Moat Blog

The moat blog, (mothers of adolescents and teens) is run by a marvelous mommy of five. Featuring regular postings about purposeful parenting. Also, Kay writes reflections on her faith, life, and family. I thoroughly enjoyed her Love Reminders.

Your Teen Mag for Parents

Your Teen Mag is a fantastic resource for parents raising teenagers. The site is easily navigatable and features individual categories– separating middle school, high school, and even the college years.

Raising Teens Blog

This teenage parenting blog acknowledges that it is your girlfriends you go to for support with your mom wins and woes and created the site to offer that friendship to mothers everywhere. Articles cover difficult topics including teen dating, social media, and teenage anxiety.

Parenting Websites

It’s impossible to list all of the leading resources. But I’ve included a few of the most noteworthy parenting websites below.


Popsugar is a lifestyle blog with an extensive parenting category that is packed with education for parents with pregnancy, babies, and toddlers.


You may have seen a copy of lying around the doctor’s office? Parents– is a popular magazine publication offering advice and information on pregnancy, birth, babies, and beyond. However, they’ve expanded the ability to access the information with their amazing parenting website.

Kids in the House

The ultimate parenting resource for all things parents! One of their most remarkable features is their video collection. Search from over 9000 videos in their library from leading experts and parents alike.

Parenting Websites for New Parents

Are you a new parent seeking answers for your parental journey? You’re not alone! Babies don’t come with a handbook. So check out these parenting websites and find the answers you’ve been searching for with these top blogs.

Rookie Moms

Rookie Moms is an ideal blog for new mothers. I love the #momlife category and encourage all new mommies to check out their tips with breastfeeding and pregnancy health. Also, the ultimate baby registry guide is one of the best guides I’ve encountered. It’s completely spot on!

New Parent

New Parent is a terrific place for new parents from pregnancy to their big kid years. Additionally, they have tips specifically for mom. As well as a recipe page that is broken into individual categories including pregnancy recipes and allergy friendly.

Best Parenting Websites For Education

As outlined in this article there are tons of parenting blogs with a multitude of niches. For the best parenting websites for education embrace out these beauties.

PBS for Parents

One of the great features of the PBS for Parents website is the ability to search by age (ages 2-8) and educate on literacy, math, science, social skills, and even emotions and self-awareness.

Parent Toolkit

Parent Toolkit is a self-professed, one-stop shop resource that was produced and developed with parents in mind. The blog promotes the voices of parents, teachers, and youth.

List of Parenting Blogs and Websites

Woah, that’s it! I hope this huge list of parenting blogs and websites help you on whatever stage your in right now. And if you want to join in on the fun, why not start your own mom blog and share your advice with the world!

If you liked this article, please share it with another parent!

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