List of Blog Niches that Make the Most Money
If you are wanting to start a blog and make money, one of the questions that you may be asking is “What should I blog about?”
This blog niche list will help you narrow down which of the most popular blog niches is right for you. The blogging world is huge, and no matter what blog niche you pick, your blog will be unlike any other. You will bring a uniqueness to your blog that no one else can.
When I started blogging, I also wondered how to pick one of the blog niches that make money. I’ll tell you how I chose in a minute, but first, let’s get to work helping you pick the niche that’s right for you!

What are the most profitable blog niches?
There are five big areas that people will pay money to improve. The most profitable blog niches fit inside those five broad categories. They are:
- Health
- Wealth
- Happiness
- Time
- Love
People pay money to improve each of those things. When choosing a profitable blog niche, keep these five broad categories in mind. All of the most profitable blog niches will fit somewhere in one of them.
- What Type of Blog Should You Start?
- 15 Awesome Reasons to Start a Mom Blog
- How These 6 Blog Niches Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Blog Topics that Make the Most Money
Now let’s start narrowing down those categories to form a blog niche list. Here are some examples of blog niches that fit within one of the five broad categories.
- Health/Appearance – fitness blogs, healthy living blogs, Mom exercises that you can do with kids, whole 30 diet, keto diet, crunchy lifestyle, healthy kid-friendly recipes, healthy food blogs, natural remedies, beauty, fashion
- Wealth – investment, personal finance, saving for retirement, work at home, financial peace methods (Dave Ramsey), blogging (woo-hoo!), how to pay off student loans, how to save money on groceries, how to flip homes, business, direct sales, couponing, frugal living, consumer guides, product reviews
- Happiness – personal growth/personal development, goal setting, faith, mommy blogs, crafting, crochet, sewing, woodworking, writing, interior design, travel, sports, music, pets, gaming, movies, automobile
- Time – Time management strategies, how to clean your house quicker, how to organize to save time, routines, planners, homeschooling, how to guides, beginner’s guides
- Love/Relationships – How to improve your marriage, how to communicate better, how to love your kids more, positive parenting, how to make lasting friendships, how to find love, dating strategies, dating online, long-distance relationships, marriage counseling, love languages
The Most Profitable Blog Niche List:

How to Choose a Blog Niche
Can we just admit something? Choosing a niche for your blog!
I have struggled for weeks thinking of a blog name and topic. I know you have too.
As soon as you find a blog niche you like, you feel like it’s already taken.
Deciding on a blog niche *feels* like such a huge decision and part of your brand, and it is, but it’s not *everything*.
I know you’re struggling with this. I have too many ideas to count that I’ve purchased and not done anything with…. just ‘in case’ I want to pursue that idea later.
But the best advice I can give you is in the post and video below. Choosing a blog niche shouldn’t be so hard, so let me break it down.
When choosing the right blog niche to pursue that will help you build a profitable blog, you can use science!
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can show you what people need in life. And the things they need, they’ll pay for.
So if you can choose a blog niche that falls into the Hierarchy of Needs below, you’re on a good track to success!

What are the Most Popular Blog Topics?
I’ll dive into each topic below and give examples, but if you’re looking for a table with numbers, here is a list of blog income reports to check out! Let the list below be your own personal blog niche generator – from motherhood to fitness – you can discover the right niche for you!

Parenting Blogs
Mommy blogs and parenting blogs, are a hugely popular blog niche. Being a momma is tough no matter how you do it.
If you are a stay at home mom, you might struggle with feelings of loneliness. Working moms may struggle with mom guilt from not being with their kids as much. Work at home moms may struggle with feeling torn between business obligations and spending time with the kids.
There are multiple pain points associated with parenting that people are seeking help with. Even big blogs like Motherly have a tough time covering all of them! This makes parenting blogs one of the most profitable blog niches since people are often willing to pay for help.
Motherhood Niche Ideas : Breastfeeding
- The pros and cons of breastfeeding
- Best breastfeeding clothes and equipment
- Pumping while at home / while at work
- Breastfeeding twins
Income of Parenting Blogs:
- = over $1 million
- WhatMomsLove = full time income

Finance Blogs
The Penny Hoarder, one of the biggest personal finance blogs, knows that we all have finances to deal with. Some of us are better at managing them than others. Some people are concerned about investing, saving for retirement, frugal living, couponing, paying off student loans, or just not living paycheck to paycheck.
Needless to say, a finance blog can cover a range of topics. No matter your income, the finance blog niche is a very popular and profitable blog niche.
Finance Niche Ideas
- How to live on a budget
- How to cut your grocery bill in half
- How to pay of your debt
- How to afford a $1M house
Income of Finance Blogs:
- ThePennyHoarder = $1M + per year
- DollarSprout = $200K + per month
- MakingSenseofCents = $100K + per month

Lifestyle Blog Niches
If you are not quite sure what to blog about in the beginning or you have several topics that you are interested in, you might consider starting a lifestyle blog.
In short, lifestyle blogs are about life. They usually cover several different topics and are a great way to take blogging for a “test drive” to see what you like blogging about the most. This makes them a very popular blog niche, especially for beginners.
Related: How to Start a Lifestyle Blog
Organizing – Lifestyle Niche
- How to organize with kids
- Organizing your kitchen
- Simplifying your closet or kids rooms
- How to live with less as a family
- How to keep your house clean in 30 minutes a day
Income of Lifestyle Blogs:
- BarefootBlonde = full time income
- JustAGirlandherBlog = full time income (lifestyle home decor)

DIY Blogs
DIY blogs focus on how to “do it yourself.” Do you have a certain hobby that you are passionate about sharing? Do you find yourself making crafts in your free time, doing home improvements, making candles or soap, woodworking, or some other hobby that leaves you with a product?
Lots of people would love to learn how to do what you love and a DIY blog is a great way to share it. It can also be a profitable blog niche because you can use affiliate links to recommend supplies, and might even be able to set up an Etsy store where you can sell your handmade products. Young House Love is a great example of a successful DIY blog.
Crafts Niche Blog Ideas
- Teach others to paint or draw
- Share quick tutorial videos
- Teach calligraphy online
Yearly Income of DIY Blogs:
- RedTedArt = full time income

Health and Wellness Blogs
Living a healthy lifestyle is not always easy. Our health is one of the foundations of our happiness and satisfaction with our life. Keeping good health is priceless.
As evidenced by fitness places everywhere, people are willing to pay to keep in good health. If you are a personal trainer, a nutritionist, or maybe someone that just really enjoys cooking healthy meals, exercising, or talking about the benefits of certain diets such as Whole 30 or Keto, you could start a health and wellness blog.
Fitness Health Niche Ideas
- How to stay fit over the holidays
- Best protein snacks to eat
- Best meals to eat after working out
- Top ten workouts for new moms
Yearly Income of Health Blogs:
- EasyLivingToday = $20,000+ per month
- Examples of Healthy Living Blogs

Food Blogs
People are always looking for new recipes to try. If you enjoy cooking and creating delicious recipes to share with your family and friends, then a food blog might be the perfect answer for you.
Food blogs can be generalized, or they can be very niche such as cookie recipes, soups, healthy eating, vegetarian meals, or meals for a family of four that cost $5 or less to make. Some food bloggers have even gone on to make cooking shows on public television. That sounds like a delicious deal to me!
Yearly Income of Food Blogs:
- PinchofYum = Over $60,000 per month
- ChelseasMessyApron = Full time income

Self Improvement Blogs
Many people are seeking to improve themselves. They want to know things such as how to worry less, how to stop overthinking, and how to have a happier life in general. Self Improvement and personal development blogs are committed to helping people live more fully, how to manage their time better, and how to stop habits that are harmful to their mental health.
Mental Health Blog Niche Ideas
- How to stay calm during holiday parties
- Best weighted blankets for high anxiety people
- Top 10 Reasons why owning a dog is great for your mental health
Yearly Income of Self Improvement Blogs:
- ZenHabits = full time income
- JamesClear = full time income

Relationship Blogs
All people have a desire to be loved and included. It ranks as third on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, right above physical needs and the need for safety. That’s pretty basic!
As a result, a relationship blog can be a very profitable blog niche if you have the knowledge or the passion to learn the things that make relationships work. This can be romantic relationships, but also includes other kinds of love such as kids, family, and friends.
Related: What to Blog About When You Don’t Know What To Blog About
Relationship and Love Blog Niche Ideas
- 35 Date Ideas for Introverts
- Best stay at home movies and snacks
- Top 5 gifts to get your spouse of 10+ years
Yearly Income of Relationship Blogs:
- ArabahJoy = full time income
How Do I Come Up With a Blog Idea?
The first thing that you should ask yourself when considering starting a blog is what are you passionate about? What is the thing that you love talking about and could go on for days if you had someone that would listen? Is there anything that your friends are tired of hearing about? If so, then that could be a great idea to start a profitable blog around. Your friends may be tired of hearing your advice, but there are people that want to know and will pay you to help them.
Match with a Hobby
Another great way to come up with a blog name is to look at the list of profitable blog niches and then match it up with something that you like to do in your free time. Do you have a hobby that you indulge in every chance you get? Other people would love to hear about it!

Disney Model
Another thing to keep in mind when you are looking at a blog niche is what I call the Disney model.
Disney takes two things that are successful and meshes them together.
For example, Rapunzel is a princess with a chameleon pet on a mission to go see the lanterns. Moana is a princess with a chicken pet on a mission to save the heart of Tafiti.
Though both stories play out in different ways, in both cases the elements are the same: princess + pet + mission = successful movie
Examples of using the Disney Model To Come Up With a Great Blog Niche Idea |
Language + travel = Traveler’s guide to common languages and phrases blog |
Mommy + toddlers = Toddler Mommy blog |
Fitness + Moms = Mom fitness blog |
Moms + Blogging = Startamomblog |
RVing+ Kids = Big RV with Little kids blog |
Unique + Profitable = Great Blog Niche Idea
Whatever profitable blog niche you pick, in order for it to be successful, you need to bring a uniqueness to it. You want your blog to stand out in a sea of other blogs. For example, I teach people how to build successful blogs, but I bring a uniqueness to it because I target moms (they are my people!).
Who do you want to help? Narrowing down your audience can be a great way to bring a uniqueness to your blog. When you know who you are talking to and who you are helping, you target a specific audience.
Regardless of your blog niche, when you target a specific audience it makes your blog stand out because your audience recognizes that you are talking specifically to them.

Choose a blog niche that motivates you
What thought makes you jump out of bed in the morning ready to start the day? If you have something that lights you up inside, and it falls into one of the five broad categories, you have a great profitable blog niche idea.
If you are still not sure how to come up with a blog idea, you can use my free blog strategy seeker tool.
Other Keys To Blog Topics That Make the Most Money
Boutique vs General Store
You may be wondering why bother with looking at a blog niche list anyway?
Why not just blog about everything?
That’s a very good question. Blogs do best when they are about a very specific topic. Your audience will know what to expect when they visit your site.
After a few visits, they come to associate you as being an expert on a certain topic. Think of your blog as a specialized boutique vs a general store.
Think of it this way: You have two friends. One has two cats, a dog, a parakeet, and a gecko. On the bookshelf in their home is one dusty book about cats. The other has 5 cats and a whole row of books on her bookshelf dedicated to cats. They both own the same number of pets. Their pets are equally well cared for. However, which friend would you go to for advice if you had a question about your own cat?
You would probably go to the friend that has five cats and a whole row of cat books. That’s how you want people to perceive your blog. The place they go for expert advice on one certain topic.

4 Reasons to Niche Down With Your Blog
If you are still not convinced by the example above, let me share with you four reasons that the most profitable blogs have niched down.
Improved Reader Experience
If a reader comes to your blog and you are talking about how to save for retirement and get your finances in order in January, but comes back in March and finds you talking about how to remodel your home, they will be confused.
On the other hand, if a reader comes back in March and finds you talking about simple budget hacks, they will know that your blog is a great place to go for financial advice.
Greater Search Engine Authority
Your readers may not be the only ones that are confused if you do not consistently talk about the same broad topic. Google will get confused too and will not rank you as a high authority in their search algorithm. That means MUCH less visibility and traffic for you.
Your Own Growth and Development
When you niche down, you grow and develop in one certain area. You may not be an expert when you start blogging about a topic that you are interested in, but as your blog grows so does your own expertise and confidence!
Niche Blogs Are More Profitable Blogs
The most profitable blogs are those that the reader perceives are experts in the field. I am much more likely to take the recommendation of an expert than I am some random person.
Therefore, if you take a look at a blog niche list and pick one, it inherently makes your blog more profitable. You can then create products in your specific field, as well as recommend the ones you love with authority.
Solve a problem
There is nothing wrong with wanting to make money with your blog. A blog is a lot of work! However, it’s not a get rich quick scheme.
The most profitable blogs are the ones that help people solve a specific problem.
What problem are you passionate about helping someone solve? People are willing to pay to fix problems in their lives. Focus your blog on helping someone. Not only will it make you feel more fulfilled and motivated, but it will also help your blog get noticed and make it more profitable.
Unconventional Advice For Choosing a Profitable Blog Niche
While most experts will tell you that you immediately need to niche down before you even decide on a blog name, my advice is different. Sometimes it takes a bit before you decide what topics you are passionate about. A blog is a long term commitment and hard work. You need to have a topic that motivates you so much that you could talk about it for years! That’s what you are going to be doing with your blog – writing and talking about a topic that you love for years.
It’s ok to not have an answer for that right off the bat. Go ahead and choose a blog name, get your hosting and start blogging.
It’s ok to start broad and niche down later. The most important thing is to take action. All too often “someday” becomes never.
- What is the Best Hosting Service for Your Blog? Comparison of 10 Hosting Providers
- 8,209 Popular Blog Post Ideas For Insane Traffic! (Free PDF)
- Blog Plan Schedule Template – Monthly Goals To a Full-Time Income

The Last Thing You Need to Know About the Most Profitable Blog Niches
This blog niche list can help you decide what to blog about and give you insight into the most profitable blog niches.
However, your decision on what to blog about should not be solely based on money. The blog topics that make the most money are focused on helping the reader solve a problem in their lives. Even if you are not an expert on now, pick something that you are motivated about. Your passion will shine through and help get your blog noticed.
I started my first blog because I wanted to help families live a Catholic life. After that blog became successful, I started Start A Mom Blog because I am passionate about helping other moms build their blogs. I want to empower other moms with the ability to stay home with their babies while still feeling fulfilled and contributing to their family’s finances.
How did you choose your blog niche? What niche are you thinking about choosing? Leave me a comment below!
I am hugely excited and thrilled to have found you guys!
Currently trying to figure out what to blog about (I am a social media manager)
Wondering if blogging about mums/business/social media (tips on social media, content, how to use the platforms, business growth and mummy life etc) is too generic?
Having a couple of ideas of where your passions lie is a great start to choosing your blog niche. We always advise our students to select a niche that can add value to their audience. This is an awesome niche! The most important part of blogging is creating great content. We’re very excited about your first blog!:)
My website is
Do you think it’s a good name for blogging about kids, parents, and teachers?
Hi Antonette! I suppose it’s also very personal for them all to know who is educating. Additionally, as John and Suzi often advise, after you choose a domain name, stick with it until you understand that it is the right choice and that it reflects your beliefs. 🙂
I am not sure about a blog name. I want something catchy, but not sure how to begin. I had a website and url named I have a you tube, Pittsburgh Artist Studio. Should I use those names to be consistent?
I love the graphic that you have for Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs. I’m going to add it to my post that mentions the same topic and how it applies to bloggers. It’ll be a perfect fit. Scott | PinArtwork SEO
I started my blogs awhile back: one on being over 50, and the other is on gardening. The former somehow turned into talking mostly about side hustles for those of us who are ready to enjoy life to the fullest, but based on the comments I get on my posts, it’s a good topic.
I still need a little help with some of the aspects of the process, and am learning by number. Thank you for putting together such valuable and informative couses. 🙂
Thank you so much. I will put in my best
Suzy, John, without you I would be all over the place. For health reasons, it’s taken me foreverrrr to work up a plan. Total loss of ambition. It’s finally gelling as I’m getting back into my Type a/B groove. Thank you for everything.
I think this is one of the most significant information for me. And I’m glad reading your article. Thanks for sharing us.
thanks for sharing good information
thanks for sharing good information.
Really it’s an amazing and awesome blog.
Nice blog..
Amazing! Didn’t have any dill but added celery. My new favorite lunch.
Hey!! Thank you so much for all of your information in helping me to start a blog and to figure out my niche! I LOVE horse and have trained them for years! Do you think that is a sellable/lucrative topic?
Now it’s even more clear what niche is. I started my blog 3 months ago and recently got stuck because I felt that it’s not important or who is going to care about what I write. I just have to keep writing and like you said I could niche down later.
Is it advisable to start a health blog in 2020 considering the ymyl and EAT google policies?
This Blog post is really very valuable,i was so confused but after reading this am totally cleared about how blogging works.
now i only get stuck at my niche , i do not really know that which niche is for me to blog on
Hey Suzi, You have written a great piece of content. To be very honest I was recently searching for niches making the most money. And when I landed your’s. I remained simply amazed. However, there are ton of websites clearing my query. But your’s is literally awesome. Apart, it is so neatly written, that I finalized to chose from your list only.
Thanks for giving so many amazing ideas. Another day I was watching this video where I heard about lyrics website. I think it’s a good blog idea. If it is monetized with Adsense and you put in some efforts on its SEO, it could generate big monthly revenue.
This is very informative. Choosing a niche for a blog is way better than having so many topics to blog about.
Really helpful and informative post,thank you so much for sharing.
Hey,I really like and appreciate your content so much! I found this course about developing a mindset for wealth,, online and it helped me to find great ways to expand my earings and savings. Maybe you guys also want to give it a shot! 😊
This article is mind blowing, I so much learnt a lot about blogging. I am a beginner, I love to do graphics design, though I am not skillfully perfect but I feel there is more to it than just doing local stuffs. You are the best!
[…] List of Blog Niches that Make the Most Money in 2020 […]
Awesome post. These ideas are useful for bloggers in many ways especially for choosing the right niche.
Thank you for helping and never give up.
I really enjoyed your post. I’m gonna continue to brainstorm my niche to ensure it is neither too broad or narrow when I launch. Best of luck with your blog!
Really helpful thank you so much for sharing 🙏 I just start my blog about Lifestyle
I hope be able to grow and make money like this !
Red flag arises once someone who makes her money by convincing others they can make money, without actually proving a significant majority do make money?
Earning 40,000 per month is not immediately doable for a new blogger, and yet it is the headline for your blog which personally I find verges on marketing lie.
You always have such awesome information. When I need some motivation to push through with my blog, I look for list like these for inspiration. It gives me hope!
Hi Suzi,
I appreciate your opinion. But I earned maximum money from sponsored posts that’s why I have to mention different niches to attract different niche clients.
I am really liking your advice on getting started as a mom blogger and focusing on a niche. I just started three weeks ago and have lots of post ideas for mommy investors. However I find the tech side of starting a blog intimidating and I need help with making emails lists and opt-in, etc.
Thank you so much Christen!! <3