divi blog post layout make money

Blog Post Layouts that Make Money

Want to know how the best blog post layout to make money? I know the thought has crossed your mind on how to make money on a WordPress blog. It’s so possible!

By starting a blog I’ve been able to retire my hubby, move to my favorite little town and bike my kids to school every day. Bonus for the little French cafe I can walk to daily!

So let me help you achieve your dream too! Below I’ll show you how to write an affiliate blog post that can bring in a passive income.

I’ll cover how to create a Divi blog post layout, show an Elementor blog post template and do it all with the Gutenberg WordPress editor as well.

Let’s get into it!

Divi Blog Post Layout to Make Money on WordPress

The Divi Builder is powerful and can create gorgeous pages and posts on WordPress.

In the video below I’ll walk you through step by step how to create a Divi blog post layout that can make money on your WordPress blog.

If you have the Divi builder, you need to watch this video!


If Divi is not your jam and you’ve installed the Elementor page builder on your blog, the video below is for you!

Since both Divi and Elementor are elegant and powerful page builders, they can both create similar blog post layouts.

Elementor Blog Post Template that Makes Money

In the video below you’ll learn how to add affiliate links and call to actions to your blog post. This template will help you make money with your blog by recommending products you love!

Confused? Here is why I love both page builders, checkout the post Divi vs Elementor.

Lastly, if you don’t want to use a page builder, you can still write a blog post that makes money on WordPress.

And you can do it for free using the Gutenberg block editor! Don’t be scared, it’s super simple to use! Just immerse yourself in the video below and grow your blog. 🙂

Gutenberg Blog Post Template that Make Money – Transcript of video

Hey guys I’m Suzi and today I’m going to teach you how to write an affiliate blog post with the Gutenberg editor within WordPress. And we are actually going to write a blog post on keto snacks. Hubby and I have been on keto for the last month or so, and it’s awesome.

Hopefully, it’s not just a fad diet. We bought all these snacks. So hopefully we can keep eating them. Anyway, so I’m going to show you how to create this awesome blog post within the Gutenberg editor so you don’t have to use a page builder and you can still really look professional.

I have other videos if you do have a page builder with Elementor and Divi on how to create this blog post.

Do you use Divi, Elementor or Gutenberg?

Let me know what you think? Which page builder do you use or are you sticking with the built in WordPress editor?

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