Easy way to create NoFollow links in Gutenberg WordPress

Need an easy way to create nofollow links using the Gutenberg editor?

Instead of manually editing the HTML every time you need a nofollow link, just use this simple plugin below.

After installing and activating it, a new slider will come up when you use the Gutenberg editor to create links.

You can get the plugin here.

You can also highlight text, strikethrough, subscript and superscript without any code.

Thank you to Jeffrey Carandang for creating it! He doesn’t monetize the plugin in anyway, so if you love it, send him a donation as a thank you. 🙂

Let me know in the comments below if this was helpful for you! And share if you think any other bloggers may need it.

xx, Suzi

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  • Thanks Suzi for sharing. I hadn’t tried this plugin and I will do so on my “backup” blog. I currently use “Pretty Links” which also is a great plugin, as it also enables you to rename your affiliate links to something more meaningful, with your domain name, as well as flag them as nofollow.