blogging for moms

Blogging for Moms – Popular and Successful Examples

How are you beautiful momma? Are you having a good day? Browsing the internet and stumbling upon a few mom blogs? You may be finding more and more moms are starting blogs. You know, you can do it too, it’s not hard to start.

With today’s technology starting a blog costs less than a Starbucks coffee. And creating a beautiful website requires no code or html knowledge, it’s all drag and drop. This detailed post will uncover how blogging for moms can be a life changing decision. I’ll also showcase other successful and popular mom blogs to fill you with inspiration.

Most popular mom blogs – Is blogging right for you?

I’ve been blogging for the past few years and was able to grow my blog into a full time income while adding two more beautiful children to our family. Blogging has allowed me to pay off our mortgage, save up for the kids college funds and honestly, find myself again after becoming a mom.

Why I Started Blogging as a Mom

After yet another day of watching Netflix and wasting time on Facebook I felt crummy. I was a stay at home mom with a 18 month old toddler and pregnant with my second baby girl. I was wasting my days at home doing nothing productive. Of course cleaning the home and taking care of my toddler kept me busy most of the time. But when I had some free time to myself I wasted it on TV shows and browsing the internet.

When my hubby came home, I didn’t have much to talk about other than what our toddler did that day. I felt unproductive and sluggish. I wanted to stay at home with my children but I also missed my days as an Industrial Engineer working for Fortune 500 companies such as Disney and General Electric. I wanted to create something, I wanted to connect with other adults and I wanted to help contribute to the family finances. That is why I started a mom blog.

*This post contains affiliate links.

Before we deep dive into the ins and outs of blogging for moms, let’s look at the most popular mom blogs!

Popular Mom Blogs – Ideas

There are countless topics you can cover as a mom blogger and become very successful. My best advice would be to find what you are passionate about and blog about that. For additional inspiration, here are more mom blog ideas that make money and 12 examples of successful lifestyle blogs and general popular blogs.

Topic and Post Ideas: Blogging for Moms

Here is a list of popular mom blog ideas with a few ideas of what to write about. Not everyone knows exactly what to blog about, but you can start broad and refine over time.

blogging for moms - chelsea messy apron


Chelsea’s Messy Apron: Baking delicious little cupcakes and cookies

Chelsea run a beautiful food blog filled with delicious treats! She’s grown from a newbie to a super successful full-time blogger quickly and made over $40,000 in her first year with her food blog! She’s an amazing mom, business woman and photographer. She’s also expecting baby #3!

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. Cookies decorated for each season
  2. Cupcake birthday parties
  3. Cupcakes decorated like princesses
  4. Gluten free cookies; Sugar free cookies; No bake cookies
  5. Cupcakes for boys, for girls, for your pet
  6. Chelsea’s blog is my favorite food site!

breastfeeding momlovesbest parenting blogging idea that make money

Mom Loves Best: Breastfeeding

Mom Loves Best is a fantastic resource of in depth guides on breastfeeding, pregnancy and parenting. Every day new mothers are made, so the information they search for needs to be relevant and helpful.

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. The pros and cons of breastfeeding
  2. Best breastfeeding clothes and equipment
  3. Pumping while at home / while at work
  4. Breastfeeding twins

blogging for moms

Organizing Moms: Organizing and Simplification

Katie, the mom behind Organizing Moms runs a super successful blog to help moms get more organized.

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. How to organize with kids
  2. Organizing your kitchen
  3. Simplifying your closet or kids rooms
  4. How to live with less as a family
  5. Also Jenn from Clean and Scentsible always gives me inspiration!

homesschool christian god blog blogging idea that make money

They Call Me Blessed: Homeschooling

Ana, the blogger behind They Call Me Blessed is a mom of three and inspires other moms to overcome homeschool stress with helpful guides and posts.

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. How to homeschool different ages
  2. Homeschooling vs public vs private school
  3. Helpful lessons for the mommy homeschooler
  4. Say hello to Erica who runs a gorgeous homeschooling blog

sixthbloom photography blogging idea that make money

Sixth Bloom: Mom Life Photography

Erin, the beautiful mom behind Sixth Bloom used to teach photography workshops in real life, but she has put her knowledge on the web to reach a wider audience! She’s a great example of taking skills you already have and sharing them with the world in a new way.

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. What to wear during a newborn photo shoot
  2. Family photo shoot ideas
  3. The basics of using a DSLR
blogging for moms


Your Modern Family: Toddlers & Babies

Becky from Your Modern Family is such a smart mom blogger! I met her a few years ago at a conference and she filled me with inspiration. We talked for no more than 30 seconds, but she said the words “You can do it” when I told her I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Those four little words have inspired me ever since!

Thank you Becky!! <3

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. How to potty train your toddler – ask Becky how she did it!
  2. How to reduce tantrums
  3. How to help your toddler eat veggies

busy toddler blog idea that makes money kids activity blog

Busy Toddler: Crafts or Art

I have a soft spot for the Busy Toddler blog. It was the first site I visited for ideas to entertain my toddler. I love all the simple, yet smart, ways to keep your toddler busy!

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. Teach others to paint or draw
  2. Share quick tutorial videos
  3. Teach calligraphy online

arabah joy christian god blog blogging idea that make money

Arabah Joy: Faith Blog

Arabah, the blogger behind Arabah Joy, run a successful Christian blog. She makes a full time income sharing advice to grow your spiritual life. Arabah is a great example that you can blog about your truest passion and still be successful.

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. My faith journey
  2. The prayers that carry me as a mom
  3. The verses that changed my life
  4. Or start a online prayer club


Kristina Kuzmic: Humor Blog

Technically, Kristina doesn’t really blog. But she does have a huge online presence in the form of videos. She’s hysterical and can lift any mom’s spirit on even the darkest days. Seriously, if you’ve ever breastfed a baby, watch the video above, it’s awesome!

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. The true life of a soccer mom
  2. 101 ways to talk to a baby
  3. If my toddler chose my wardrobe

blogging for moms - money saving mom


Money Saving Mom: Finance Blog

Crystal, the mom behind Money Saving Mom runs a wonderful blog helping moms find the best deals! She’s also visited South Africa (my home country) multiple times to help build schools. She has an enormous heart to help others!

Blog Post Ideas:

  1. How to live on a budget
  2. How to cut your grocery bill in half
  3. How to pay of your debt – true story from Michelle!
  4. Crystal from Money Saving Mom always features great deals and money saving tips!

There are countless niches a mom blogger can dive into. And they are all fun and can be monetized in multiple ways. All of the blogs mentioned above generate a full time income. That should inspire you to stick with blogging and work on it a little every day.

Sticking to one topic is good to build a loyal readership. If you blog about too many different topics, you will confuse your readers and they won’t remember you as ‘The Cupcake Blog’ or ‘The Organizing Blog’. You want to stand apart and be unique, and niching down is a great way to do that!

Be true to you. I am not a funny girl and I have the hardest time incorporating humor into my posts. But I love helping others and creating how-to tutorials – that is my strength. Do what works for you. Don’t force yourself to blog about cooking if you hate being in the kitchen. Blog about what you love and what you are passionate about, and one day your blog can be in the list of most popular mom blogs. Let your personality shine through, there is no one like you online, so be unique and embrace it.

What if you don’t know what to write about

I would suggest taking 30 days and writing 500 words every day. It could be in a journal, a Word document, or you can dive right into it and start creating drafts on your blog. But if you do not know what niche to dive into, why not find your voice and passion first? If you can write about it for 30 days, you can blog about it and create a following.

Go here for more help:

blogging ideas for moms

Why is Blogging for Moms so Popular

First of all, why is blogging for moms so popular? Why are so many millennial moms starting blogs? Let’s dive into the pros and cons below.

The Pros of Blogging

Let’s start with the good stuff first.

+Blogging gives you an outlet to connect to other moms.

Starting a mom blog gives you an outlet for all those pent up mommy emotions we all have. The frustration, the joy, the ups and downs. Other moms are eager to connect online and the community is vibrant. There are moms blogging about the joys of motherhood, or the sorrows of a miscarriage, or homeschooling<span”>, or raising a house full of boys, or photography or cooking or kids crafts. The list is endless. You will find a tribe online that shares the same interests you do and you will grow as a mom.</span”>

+Blogging allows you to continue to use your skills in creative ways.

You can use your skills online and improve yourself. If you were working in the corporate world a few years ago but find yourself now changing diapers and running after toddlers, don’t fret, you can still use your skills. You just have to adapt them a bit. I studied Industrial Engineering and even though I’m not on the manufacturing floor making processes more efficient, I can apply my skills to making the life of a mommy more efficient. Maybe you studied Marketing or Education, why not create tutorials online to teach others? It will keep your skills fresh and help others in the process!

+Blogging allows you to make money from home.

You can make money from home. It sounds cliche and it’s been so overused, but yes, it is possible to make money from home. You can write sponsored posts, do affiliate marketing, sell your own ebooks or online products, or even offer consulting services. I analyzed 6 mom bloggers making between $2,000 – $63,000 a month. If they can do it, you can too!

Here are more resources if you want to deep dive into how to make money blogging.

As with everything, if you dedicate time to it and persevere, you will succeed. It just takes time. It takes time to rank high in SEO, it takes time to build an audience, it takes time to produce amazing content. But I figured I’ll be a stay at home mom for a couple of  years before my kids all go to school, so I have the time. Instead of watching Netflix, I can slowly start to build my brand and my blog.

+Blogging is cheap to start.

Unlike other businesses, blogging cost under $10 a month to get started. That is peanuts compared to starting a brick and mortar store, or making crafts from your home, or taking on any direct sales business. All you need to start a successful blog is a good self hosting site and a cup of coffee to start writing.

The Cons of Blogging

Now for the real stuff, the cons.

-Blogging takes time.

I can’t sugar coat this. Blogging takes time. If you want your blog to grow, you will have to dedicate time to it. It won’t have to be 8 hours everyday, because of course, you do not have that time as a mom. But it will take at least take an hour a day. Here is the super simple weekly schedule I use to keep me on track. Some days more, some days less. It takes time to write great content, to promote it, to network with other bloggers and to research new tactics to grow your blog. But the pros above far outweigh the cost of offering up nap times for something that is truly my own. It is my little home on the internet that can supplement our monthly income and provides me with a super productive hobby.

-Blogging can quickly become addictive.

Instead of thinking about what is going to happen in the next episode of Downton Abbey, I now brainstorm post ideas, research articles to increase my blog traffic and network with other mommy bloggers. Yes blogging can become addictive and that is okay! When my little ones are awake, I am 90% their mom. The other 10% is dedicated to cleaning the home while they ‘help’ me or play at my feet. And when they are asleep in the early morning hours or during nap times, I am Suzi the Blogger. I have a blogging cape I put on for inspiration! (just kidding) But not only am I spending my time learning new skills, I am building a business online. It’s a much more productive way to spend my free time.

blogging for moms

I Don’t Have Time to Blog

I know, life is busy! You don’t have to write a blog post every day. Create a schedule that you can stick to. Aim for one blog post a week. And once you’re comfortable with that, increase it to twice a week. Don’t let blogging become overwhelming. But DO start building our audience and followers. It takes time.

The sooner you start, even if you just get a few likes or email subscribers, it will get the ball rolling! Also, the longer your site is established, the better Google ranks you in SEO.

Here are super practical tips to help you as a mom blogger.

POST IT Note Time Management Systems

Ready to Blog?

Like I said in the beginning of this post, starting a blog is not hard. And you can blog about any topic you want! Now that you’ve seen why blogging for moms is so popular and read through successful examples, are you ready to start your mom blog? Let me know what you think in the comments below!

100% Free Blogging Course!

Get the exact plan I followed to grow my blog from $0 to over $9,000 per month in my first year.

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  • Suzi, you are so sweet! Thank you for mentioning my blog. You’re right on about the pros and cons. Blogging is a lot of work, but it’s really rewarding too. 🙂

  • Can you actually make a decent amount just from your mommy niche? When I go to many mommy blogs, it seems there is always a “sign up and I can teach you how I made thousands a month from blogging” and I believe that ebook or product is really how they make money, not from the niche itself. Thoughts? If so, what do you recommend on making money (or better – getting true followers/engagement) from the actual niche blog itself? Thank you!

  • This is a great list. I also really like Kate at The Small Things Blog. She’s a mom of three and former hair stylist turned beauty and lifestyle blogger. She has a beautiful blog and a big following.

  • Suzi, I didn’t realize there are these many mom bloggers out there. I could only recognize only one on the list. This would be a nice list for me to follow. Thanks for compiling such a great list.

  • Love this post. I need to read “How to potty train your toddler in three days.” Seriously, I do have a question, I am an online reading tutor, and my blog is focused on families with struggling readers. Should I keep doing what I’m doing? Keep blogging on my business website? My next step is to create some courses with Teachable, those will be located there as well. Am I going in the right direction?

    • If your business website and your blog posts are related – yes! Your blog posts will drive organic traffic to your business. From what I can tell, you’re going in the right direction Ann 🙂

  • I started a mom blog a year ago on parenting and type1 diabetes. I also work from home in direct sales, i want to start a direct sales blog. Should i start a whole new blog for mydirect sales business or can i just have one blog for both.

  • I tried to click the link to that 7 Layer Salad and it doesn’t go through. I really wanted to click it! Just Kidding. 🙂 Great, very comprehensive post, Suzi! 🙂