30+ Best Blog Examples You Need to See
Have You Ever Needed some Good Blog Examples to Get Inspiration for Your Own?
When you are starting a blog or thinking about starting a blog, it can be overwhelming! Finding some great blog examples can be a good way to start beating that overwhelm. There are many great things about blogging, but I’ll tell you my favorite in a bit.
Blog examples can also be useful for seeing what formats most appeal to you and finding inspiration for structuring your own blog.
What is a blog?
With all the different types of websites out there, it can be confusing to know what a blog is. That’s why I want to show you some great examples of blogs from all types of niches. Some people think that blogs are solely written about a person’s life, like an online journal. While personal blogging is a type of blog, it’s far from the only type. Simply put, a blog is a regularly updated website that’s typically written by one person or a group in a conversational style.
Most blogs target a specific niche, or topic. Lifestyle blogs target a group of subjects that are generally somewhat related. Other blogs target topics such as home decor, mom life, fitness, food, personal development, college life, homeschooling, fashion, kid activities, photography, and personal finance. Blogs can also be used as a business tool for direct sales and professional businesses.
Live Blog Examples Reviews
Want to get see me review good and bad blog examples? This quick video will show you what blogs need to do to be successful today.
So how do you use these blog examples that I’m about to give you? Great question! You can use them to get ideas for your favorite niche, find out how to write a blog and make money, and see the vast scope of ways that blogs can be used. These blog examples can also be used as a blog writing format for your own blog, or simply to find blogs that you enjoy reading.
If you are looking for ideas on what to write about for your own blog, I have a huge list of over 8,200 blog post ideas!
Tips for Success using Popular Blogs as Examples
Popular blogs are popular for a reason. People like them and find them helpful. When you are looking for first blog post examples, you can observe the general structure popular blogs use for their posts. A word of caution: don’t try to write just like anyone else. You need to write using your own voice. You are a unique person with your own voice and your uniqueness is one of the most powerful assets you bring to the table when starting your own blog.
Instead of trying to copy someone else’s tone, look for things like their headings, how they use graphics in their posts, what topics they write about, and how they connect to the reader and have a call to action at the end of the post. (Or you can check out my free video tutorial with free template for writing your first pillar post.) As yourself, “what makes a post from a popular blog so intriguing to read?”
The Best Blog Examples From All Types of Niches
Blogging can take many different forms. I have listed some examples below, so you can find the ones that you like and get ideas that you can apply to your own blog. If you have not started a blog yet, but want to, it’s easier than you think to start your own blog.

Blog Examples for Students
Blogging is starting to make an appearance in our classrooms! It’s a fun and educational way to introduce technology to students, and build writing and editing skills.
One Stop Teacher Shop – While not a student blog, in itself, Kristen helps educators that might be interested in integrating blogging into their classrooms.
Wildcats Write – Mrs. Kriese in Texas blogs with her 7th grade English Language Arts students. It features student learning and reflections throughout the blog.
Ann Michaelson – is a Norway based educator that has done a fantastic job of integrating blogging and learning. She posts regular reflections about what she is reading and learning and her site also serves as a hub for student blogs as well. Very interesting!

Corporate Blog Examples/Professional Blog Examples
Many big companies know that blogs are great for their businesses and sometimes the blog IS their business. They usually cover a wide variety of topics and have many different writers and contributors.
Forbes – The name probably rings a bell, doesn’t it? Forbes is a global media company. Their blog features a wide variety of topics including entrepreneurship, business, lifestyle, investing, technology, and leadership.
Lifehacker – Want to know how to do anything easier? Lifehacker has you covered. Lifehacker is a great example of a professional blog that IS a business. They have many different contributors and cover a broad range of topics.
Huffington Post – Huffpost is a great blog example that’s well-known. It’s an American political news and opinion website and blog. They feature local and nationalized editions. These days, “news” covers pretty much anything from entertainment, life, perspectives and more.
Direct Sales Business Blog Examples
When you are in direct sales, a blog can be very beneficial to your business. Scarlett’s online sales went up 30% when she started her blog. When you have a direct sales business, a personal blog allows your customers to get to know you better and builds a relationship of trust. You can also show how your product solved a direct problem for you without seeming too sales-y. Here are more direct sales tips on how to grow your customer base.

Interior Design blog example
Interior Design blogs can help you figure out how to decorate your home or help you plan for an upcoming renovation. Interior design blogging can also be a great niche to start a blog.
Christy from The Harper House makes over $6000 per month with her interior design blog. She and her husband are house-flippers, like Chip and Joanna Gaines and she showcases all kinds of fabulous designs.
Organizing Moms is the place to head if you need organizing ideas of any sort. To me, interior design goes so much more beyond what color walls you have and where the furniture is. It’s also about how well your home functions. That’s where organizing comes in!
If you would like more interior design blog examples, I have a list of the top 12 interior design blogs you can check out as well.

Mom Fitness Blog Examples
Many of us need a little help and inspiration for getting back in shape. That’s where fitness bloggers can help.
Jessica at EasyLivingToday – Jessica does a great job at helping moms get back into shape! She’s incredibly relatable and down to earth. You will find work out advice, clean eating, as well as parenting advice on her blog.
Monica May at Fit Girl’s Diary. Monica is a personal trainer, nutritionist, cook, and writer. Just like many of us, she obviously wears several different hats. She’s very upbeat and inspiring. She writes in a very down to earth way and her blog posts are presented in easy to find cards on her home page.
Need more ideas? Here are fantastic mom blogs you should follow!

Photography Blog Examples
With our phones always within arms reach, we all take pictures of our everyday lives. Sometimes I take entirely too many pictures in the hopes of capturing a few good ones. That’s why I love a good photography blog. Whether you are a professional with a DSLR camera or just a mom with a phone, we can all use some advice to take better pictures. Here are some of my favorite photography blog examples.
Courtney at Click It Up A Notch – She’s in the top 5 Momtographers, according to the Huffington Post. Courtney definitely knows her stuff! What’s even better, is that she shares her knowledge and has helped over 40,000 people unlock the secrets of their DSLR camera. This enables them to better capture the beautiful moments of their everyday lives and have photos to cherish for a lifetime. (Instead of taking 250 pictures of a kid’s birthday party for 10 good ones.)
Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke – Kristen blogs about more than photography, but she shares photography tips, recommendations on beginning photography books, and talks about poses and what to wear for your family photos.
Sixth Bloom – Erin was a professional photographer for seven years, and she shares her best tips on how you can take better pictures. She also has a very reasonably priced self-paced photography ebook course, as well as all kinds of free photography tips on her blog.

Kids’ Activity Blog Examples
It’s no secret that kids are busy! Many moms are looking for activities to do with their kids at any age. Activities help build skills and provide educational time to bond with your child. Here are my favorite kid activity blog examples!
Susie from the Busy Toddler has one of the best kid activity blogs around. Toddlers are always busy, so moms are often looking for things to keep their little ones occupied.
Courtney from It’s The Little Memories also has a kid activity blog, and she also has a whole section dedicated to books! I love her tagline of “your memories will always outlast the mess that you make.” With little ones, this is SO true!
Kiara at COTA Mom is a certified occupational therapy assistant. Her blog features all kinds of kid activities to not only help pass the time, but also help develop motor skills and help with sensory issues.
Here are more Kid Activity Blog Examples
Homeschooling Blog Examples
Homeschooling is tough! Luckily, there are blogs to help with the task of helping you give your child the best education possible.
Monique at Living Life and Learning – Monique has a gorgeous, well laid out blog that’s all about homeschooling. If you need ideas for homeschool math or science, she’s your girl. Her site also features all kinds of goodies including a book called “Homeschool Planning for the Unorganized Mom.”
Sarah at My Joy Filled Life – Sarah has an incredibly useful homeschool site as well. She focuses on preschool through elementary and has great ideas for language arts, history, and science.

Mom Fashion Blog Examples
Moms of any age need clothing options that do not include yoga pants and a t shirt. Not all of us are gifted with great fashion sense. Fashion bloggers come to the rescue to help you find the perfectly put together outfit for a night out on the town taking long romantic walks through the aisle of Target!
Corina at Now That I Can Do – Corina identifies herself as a frump fighter. You know what I mean – the temptation to hang out in yoga pants and an old tshirt all day because your a mom? She has an adorable sense of fashion that will leave you feeling inspired to pretty yourself up, even if you will not be leaving the house.
Kelly Augustine – Kelly is a plus sized fashion blogger that has beautiful curves. Big fashion taste that looks beautiful no matter what your size.
That’s Not My Age – Alyson runs this fashion and lifestyle blog that’s aimed at women in their 40s. Who said you had to stop being fashionable then?! She does not think so. Her goal is to make you feel chic, confident, and comfortable in whatever you decide to wear.
Midlifechic -Nikki refers to her blog as “the thinking woman’s style blog.” She certainly is quite fashionable! This blog is again, aimed at women in their 40s and 50s that are beginning a new chapter in their lives.

Lifestyle Blog Examples
Lifestyle blogs focus on different interests, fun activities, and finds different ways to pull you in. Some of them are hugely successful. If you want to know more about lifestyle blogging and what distinguishes it from a personal blog, I covered that in this lifestyle blog post.
Passion fruit, paws, and peonies – If you think your life is over just because you just hit a new decade mark, think again! Maria is the driving force behind this lovely lifestyle blog that targets women in their 40s and 50s. She covers topics ranging from travel, beauty, style, and cooking!
Chasing Foxes is an awesome lifestyle blog. It’s run by Silas and Grace, who 4 months after starting their blog built enough full time income to travel! They travel the world, and blog about a wide variety of subjects.
A Cup Of Jo – Joanna blogs about it all. She talks a lot about life and motherhood, as well as style, food, design, travel and relationships.

Personal Blog Examples
Personal blogs provide great information on various topics, but they also give a sneak peak into the lives of the bloggers that write them as well. Here are some of my favorites!
Rebecca at A Little Bit of Momsense – Have you heard of common sense? Rebecca’s got Momsense! She blogs about a broad range of topics, including a bit about her personal life. She’s waiting to greet you and invite you to coffee over at her blog.
Hodge Podge Hippie – Thena shares her adventures with her family, her favorite recipes, and the power of a positive mental attitude.
Meredith at That’s Inappropriate – A mom sharing her personal (and hilarious) stories about parenting life. Sometimes you just need a laugh, and Meridith does not take things too seriously.
Contentment Questing – Jennifer at Contentment Questing wants to help you get the most out of your life. Her tagline is “finding extraordinary in the ordinary, inspiration in the everyday, and turning little things into big memories.” She mostly focuses on personal development type posts, but also blogs about relationships, and parenting. Her uplifting blog offers down to earth common sense advice to help you life your best life.
Need more ideas? Here are more examples of blogs for women.

Personal Finance Blog Examples
We all need help every now and then helping us get the most bang for our buck. Personal finance blogs can help you save money, budget, monitor your spending, and even make a little extra on the side.
Making Sense of Cents – Michelle has had huge success with her personal finance blog. She’s one of the best known blogging guru’s around. She blogs about ways to make extra money, how to pay off debt, how to save money and more!
The Busy Budgeter – Rosemarie at the busy budgeter is there to help you take control of your finances. She understands living on a budget and has many challenges to help you achieve your financial goals as well as a list of swaps you can make so you know you are not paying too much for services that you use.
Fun Cheap or Free – Jordan is on a mission to help you live an abundant life on any budget. She is a family finance and frugal living expert. Her blog covers all aspects of family life because living a full and happy life is not just about how much money you have in the bank.
Need more ideas, here is a huge list of personal finance money blogs.
Still Need More Blog Examples?
I love looking at blogs! If you still need some more amazing blog examples, be sure to look at:
Blogging for Moms – Popular and successful examples
The Must Follow Blogs for Women By Age Group
The Last Thing You Need to Know about Blog Examples and How to Use them for YOUR Blog
We just looked at over 30 blog examples from all types of niches. Did you see any that you liked? A blog can be a huge site run by a corporation, or it can be very small and just run by one person. There are many ways to start a blog and make money. Even if you are just thinking about blogging, you can try a free blog site for a while to see if you like it.
I hope that you can use these blog examples as inspiration for your own blog. My favorite thing about blogging is that I get to help other moms make money while staying home with their babies. I also love making new friends
What were your favorite blog examples? Do you have another favorite blog example you’d like to share? Leave me a comment below! I’d love to hear from you.
Hi Suzi,
It was a great resource! My niece is just starting her blog, and I think these examples will serve as a great starting point and inspiration for her. I will definitely be sharing this article with her and helping her find her footing. This article also inspired me, and I found some amazing blogs that I am looking forward to checking out! I really appreciate you sharing this amazing article. Looking forward to reading more of your work.
Wow, this was informative.
Great writing. This is will help the new blogger.
Thank you
[…] However, just like all good authors need to read a lot to get their writing perfectly polished, bloggers need to engage with the ‘blogosphere’ – i.e. the online blogging community – for a few reasons, as […]
Thanks for sharing the blogging inspirations. Looking at these blogs performance, its encouraging us to put more efforts to accomplish our goals. Keep sharing.
[…] If you’re looking for more, here are 30 more blog examples. […]