
How to deal with anxiety and overwhelm as a mom

As we face new and uncertain times in our future, our anxiety and overwhelm as mothers can increase dramatically.

I’ve asked my amazing students to share with me their best tips for staying calm when your entire life feels like chaos. If you’re a mom and you’re feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious, I pray the articles below help you.

We can do this! Stay strong momma!

Need a guide to help your children understand the coronavirus?

This is perfect for moms, teens and children.

Stop worrying and direct your focus to understanding COVID-19

The link above also has a complete guide (coloring pages, tips, stress management) to help you stay sane during this time.

Anxiety and Stress for Children

Helping Kids deal with Stress

Practical tips for helping your kids deal with stress and anxiety due to current events.

Sensory Chew Necklace

Right now if you’re a special needs parent, you’re probably trying to figure out how to help your child with the change in routine. Anxiety can exhibit an increase in sensory issues. Senso Minds has a variety of sensory products to help your child.

special needs parent isolation women feeling stress - alone

Help for Parents of High Needs Children

In this unprecedented time of social distancing and uncertainty, it is even more essential for parents of high needs children to learn how to combat anxiety, stress and depression associated with feeling alone and isolated. Learn simple, actionable tips to stay connected and healthy to be the parent your child(ten) needs you to be.

Coping with anxiety while still functioning as a mom can be a real challenge. If you are struggling with anxiety, these practical strategies may be helpful. #momanxiety #anxiety #postpartumanxiety #managinganxiety #waystodealwithanxiety #momoverwhelm #reduceoverwhelm #howtobeatanxiety #anxietyrelief #parentingwithanxiety #dealingwithanxiety #coronavirusanxiety #pandemicanxiety

How to cope with anxiety as a mom

Functioning as a Mom with daily anxiety can feel impossible; here is a simple guide with coping strategies to help you through.

In the face of the unknown and uncertainty that the corona virus brings to our lives, I want to encourage and challenge you to not give in to the panic. Don’t give in to the worry or the stress. Here are three steps to thrive during this Covid 19 concern.

The Bright Side of the Coronavirus

This is a post to help stressed and overwhelmed moms see the benefits that the quarantine can bring.

My battle as a mom against COVID

Speaking from the heart, as a mom AND a nurse, I help other moms of young kids with the challenges of home-schooling and keeping our kids (and communities) safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. I address practical issues by listing activities and learning resources, as well as the emotional impact for both ourselves and our children.

How to talk to your kids about Coronavirus

How to talk to your kids about the coronavirus while helping mitigate their fears and disappointments over cancelled activities and trips.

12 Ways to spend quality time with your teenager

Finding time to really connect with my girls takes effort and creativity. I’m often competing against the TV, phone, and other devices. To help you stay close to your teen, I came up with 12 ways to really connect with your teenager!

Complete Survival Guide to COVID-19

In this uncertain time of the COVID-19 or Coronavirus spreading through the country, we hug our littles, try to stay sane, and adjust to new ways or opportunities. With anxiety running high, take a look at these tips for self-care, working from home, keeping kiddos entertained, learning, and fed.

Overwhelm and Anxiety as a Stay at Home Mom

Stay at Home Mom Survival Guide

A survival guide for stay at home mom’s who are experiencing the emotional rollercoaster of motherhood. Being a SAHM is hard, finding joy can be even harder. This guide outlines 7 strategies to manage motherhood and find joy in even the little things.

Moms Guide to Coronavirus

“Social distancing,” and “quarantine” are becoming frequent vocabulary words in our everyday conversations and the whole thing can feel downright overwhelming.

Miami Moms Blog wants to help you love and lead your family in this time.

In solidarity, we have created COVID-19 & Social Distancing: A Resource Guide for Moms, filled with articles, activities, printables, and ideas to help you not only survive quarantine, but thrive with your kids!

Prevent Burnout as a SAHM

My Top Tips on preventing burnout as a Stay At home.

30 Day Isolation Challenge

30 Day Isolation Challenge

I’ve created a ‘challenge’ for those in self isolation, to keep them focused on doing the right things to keep themselves healthy, and busy, AND to ensure they are recording their part and story in this historical event.

How to be a happier mom

Motherhood can go from yay to nay so quick. I have been there momma. Take the steps and learn how to be a happier mom for not only your kids, but yourself!

Motherhood and Mental Health

This post helps moms take care of their mental health with a free journal page that breaks down the day into actionable small goals based on self care. Take stock of “what went right” today and give yourself credit!

Effective To Do Lists for Moms

How to make an effective to do list for moms so you don’t feel overwhelmed. This free printable helps you focus on the most important daily tasks.

Self Care for Moms

This article gives moms the 9 foundational beliefs of self-care for moms hoping to persuade them that it is in the best interest of everyone in the family that Mom takes care of herself. There are 25 realistic self-care ideas for moms who are busy and overwhelmed. The theme of the post is You can’t pour from an empty cup or You can only love others as much as your loving yourself.

Stress and Anxiety Tips

How to stop feeling anxious

When life feels overwhelming then it feels impossible to stop feeling anxious. So what do you do? I can tell you, I know how to stop feeling anxious in those moments when your fears persistent. Here’s 6 practical things you can do right now to stop feeling anxious in literally 5 minutes or less.

Staying Calm through the Chaos

This blog post gives different ways you can keep calm through all the craziness going on right now. If you need encouragement then this blog post would be great for you.

How to Combat Anxiety over Coronavirus

My blog, The Bipolar Parent, is a comprehensive resource for parents with mental illness. This post in particular explains 7 ways to handle anxiety during the coronavirus outbreak. One tip mentions focusing on things we can control, like how much our kids know about the pandemic.

How to stay positive

11 actionable steps to help you stay positive during tough times. Easy ways to help moms cope with stress and anxiety.

Natural Stress Relief Activity

Natural stress relief activities to help you manage emotions during times of uncertainty. Use these breathwork and grounding techniques when you are feeling overcome with anxiety, stress or feat to re-center and bring yourself back into the present moment.

Stress Relieving Tips

25 Simple and practical stress relieving tips, techniques, and routines to ease anxiety, sharpen your focus, and help you get to sleep at night. These are great to have in your toolbox when you’re feeling stressed out.

Self Care During Depression

Everyone’s mental health is a little fragile these days, even without mental illness. Self-care is a necessity right now. Whether you’re dealing with chronic depression or just stress from quarantine, these practical tips will help you practice self-care.

Yoga for Busy Moms

This post helps moms de-stress and practice mindfulness by establishing a daily yoga practice and showing them how to do so even with kiddos at home.

How to be happy during adversity

How to feel happy using five simple tips: gratitude, faith, routine, resiliency, and mindset.

Anxiety during a Pandemic

Coping with worry, fear, and anxiety during a crisis. Post provides concrete tools for anyone wanting to feel calm and less anxious.

How to reduce stress naturally

I am sharing 3 ways to naturally and effectively help acute (a sudden or rare occurrence) stress and anxiety, such as what is popping up for a lot of people in the world right now! I talk about nature, homeopathy and proper breath work.

How to practice self care

Self care doesn’t have to be complicated or cost a dime! I share my favorite, easy wasy to practice self care to ease anxiety and stress when you’re stuck at home. You can even do all 8 and give yourself a self care day!

Journaling Prompts for Mental Health

Journaling can be an extremely therapeutic activity during times of crisis and overwhelm. But, if you’re new to it, you might not know where to start. This post has 111 journaling prompts to help you begin journaling for your mental health.

Biblical Scripture Affirmations

If you are battling fear or anxiety in life, you may appreciate these Biblical Scripture Affirmations. I’ve asked my readers what their favorite go-to verses are to combat fear and anxiety and added some extra ones I found to put together these FREE Biblical Scripture Affirmation Cards.


Mindfulness Activities

A daily mindfulness practice will help to lower stress and anxiety during a crisis. Follow this 30 day mindfulness challenge to try a new mindfulness technique each day and start living in the present moment with your family. Download your free printable calendar to keep track of your progress and hold yourself accountable.

How to stop worrying

Worrying about the past, present and future is normal for all of us. While it’s normal to worry, it’s not helpful or healthy to stay worried. These 5 practical tips will help you stop worrying and become peaceful.

Organize your house when you’re stressed

While we are all staying inside our homes, we will need ideas of things to keep us busy. This post shares shelf styling tips using items already in your home (therefore no need to go outside). It can provide a distraction, while helping to make your space feel refreshed and beautiful. In the grand scheme, it minor, but may provide the distraction that people need.

Do you need help?

If you need help or you’re struggling, please reach out to friends and family, leave a comment below and let people know you’re having a difficult time. We are all anxious and stressed right now. So if you share your worries with a friend, you’ll be able to help each other by knowing you’re not alone.

Please share this post to help others.

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  • Hi Suzi, thanks for sharing all these brilliant resources (and mine).
    We need all the help we can get to beat COVID-19 and you’re making it super easy to find the best tips to stay safe and sane.
    Thank you so much😁

  • Wow, thank you for compiling this Suzi! I went out to get groceries today (first time I’ve been out in a week) and it definitely felt like there was a heaviness in the air. I appreciate your efforts to help lift it!